A Preparation Guide
2nd Edition, 2023, 54 pp.Writing a Student Education Plan (SEP) is a step-by-step guide for parents. When students have been found eligible for special education services in a public school setting, the teacher prepares a document with yearly goals and the steps necessary for the student to achieve those goals. Home schooling parents of a child with special needs are often overwhelmed with an array of significant deficits. It can be overwhelming to set priorities and monitor a child’s progress. The solution is to develop a Student Education Plan using this guide. The guide shows parents how to select the most important goals for the child, decide how to assess progress, and monitor progress during the year.
In Writing a Student Education Plan, Judi helps you start the process at the very beginning: identifying strengths as well as weaknesses. The strengths become a vital part of the child’s capability for overcoming skill deficits. You are shown how to select the most important areas on which the child should focus for a single school year. Goals are then developed for each area of weakness. Like a road map, each goal is provided with markers to help you find out whether your teaching is effective, and whether learning is really happening. This is a very easy to use guide. It is written for parents with no training in special education who long to sharpen their skills and help their child.
Writing a Student Education Plan shows parents how to write a plan and use it effectively.
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1204 Murray Drive
Chesapeake VA 23322